BUS708 Statistics And Data Analysis


Grad Cert Bus Core
M Accounting Core
M Professional Accounting Core
Graduate Diploma of Information Technology Core
Master of Information Technology Core
Grad Dip TESOL Elective
Grad Dip Bus Elective
M TESOL Elective

Data is everywhere and understanding data is a vital asset to an organisation. It can provide valuable insights into areas such as customer behaviour, market intelligence and operational performance. This subject explains how to understand and analyse data in the business context and assess and communicate its significance. It covers the statistical principles behind sampling, hypothesis testing and forecasting. It also includes practice in posing research questions and presenting research reports. These skills of data analysis and decision-making are essential preparation for conducting research and managing work in business settings.


There are no pre-requisites for this subject.

While not a pre-requisite, numerical literacy is an advantage for this subject. Note: This subject is equivalent to BUS701 Research Methods – Qualitative and Quantitative.