Master of Accounting

Professional Accreditation for Accounting Major

The Master of Accounting and the Master of Professional Accounting satisfy the educational membership requirements for Charted Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), CPA Australia (CPA) and The Institute of Public Accountants (IPA).

Further information is available from CA, CPA and IPA.


Recognition under the Australian Qualification Framework

All KOI courses are accredited by TEQSA (Tertiary Education and Quality Standards Agency) and consistent with the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework). TEQSA regulates qualifications in the Australian education system.
This means that KOI is recognised as providing its students with quality education for the courses on offer in line with Australia’s Higher Education Standards.

The Course Overview can be used to view the course structure and sequence in which subjects should be studied. All subjects named (LISTED) in the Course Overviews are core subjects and must be studied to satisfy the requirements of the particular award.

The subjects in shaded boxes must be studied in the order they are presented as they provide pre-requisite knowledge for other subjects. The remaining subjects (core and elective) have a recommended trimester, but may be studied in other available trimester slots to suit individual student preferences, provided pre-requisites have been completed.

Students may choose any elective subjects from the list following the Course Overview, provided the subject is offered in the trimester they wish to study it and they have met the relevant pre-requisites.

Master of Accounting (CRICOS 076831K)

The Master of Accounting (12 subject program) is studied over 3 trimesters spread over one and a half calendar years. Students can choose to make use of the 3 trimesters offered and study continuously to reduce the time of their course completion if they choose.

To enrol in this course, students must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Students MUST have completed the equivalent of ACC700 Principles of Accounting (this will satisfy the required pre-requisite ACC700 existing for some subjects), BUS702 Business Law (Australian) and BUS700 Economics in an approved accounting AQF Level 7 or above course to be eligible to enrol into the Master of Accounting.

The course is designed to enable graduates with a recognised bachelor’s qualification, graduate certificate or graduate diploma in any field, at a standard equivalent to AQF Level 7, acceptable to King’s Own Institute, and who satisfy the conditions above, the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required for Associate Membership of professional accountancy bodies such as Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA)and CPA Australia (CPA). The course provides students with the foundation for a successful and rewarding career in professional accountancy.

The course has 12 core subjects, which offer students advanced learning in accounting within the contexts of both professional practice and the theoretical standards that underpin such practice. The course concludes with a research component (BUS707 Applied Business Research) which reinforces technical excellence in these fields within a framework that emphases core professional competencies in critical thinking, problem-solving and strategic decision-making, professional communication and persuasion, information systems applications and management and ethical awareness and reasoning.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate current, comprehensive, coherent and connected knowledge

    • Understand recent developments in accounting and applied business research methods
    • Engage in the process of research and the continuing learning needed to retain the necessary level of professional skills and knowledge in accounting

2. Command a higher order of skills in analysis and professional application through the planning and execution of project work and applied research

    • Review critically, synthesise, apply and evaluate contemporary accounting theories and apply professional skills and knowledge in the systematic development of business solutions
    • Communicate business solutions effectively to stakeholders

3. Demonstrate leadership, creativity and flexibility in the application of knowledge and skills to new situations to solve complex problems and to think rigorously and independently

    • Plan and execute a substantial research-based project on a topic relevant to accounting

4. Show an informed appreciation of the ethical standards and requirements for continuing professional development in accounting.

Delivery Mode

  • Face-to-Face with blended learning facilities

Subject Credit Points

  • 4 Credit Points each subject

Exit Pathways

  • NA

Graduates of the Master of Accounting may find entry level employment as a Management Accountant, Tax Accountant, Auditor,  Corporate Treasurer, Finance Manager, Financial Dealer, Financial Institution Branch Manager or Financial Investment Adviser.
KOI has arrangements with commercial providers of Internships for students and some multi-national companies who have Internships available. KOI subsidises the internships granted to its students and pays the relevant insurance premiums.

Graduates of the Master of Accounting satisfy the educational membership requirements for Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), CPA Australia (CPA) and The Institute of Public Accountants (IPA). Graduates are also eligible to apply for admission into further postgraduate qualifications in Australia and overseas such as an MBA or a PhD.

The table in the pop-up window here gives an indication of the likely peer cohort for new students at KOI. It provides data on students that commenced Master of Accounting study and passed the census date in the most relevant recent intake period for which data are available, including those admitted through all offer rounds, across all Australian campuses, and international students studying in Australia.

The table in the pop-up window here gives ATAR profile for those offered places wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR in Trimester 1, 2023

General admission criteria apply to the course.

Course Overview

First Trimester

BUS709Communication in Business
ACC701 Financial Accounting
FIN700Financial Management
BUS708Statistics and Data Analysis (replaces BUS701 Research methods Qualitative and Quantitative)

Second Trimester

ACC702Managerial Accounting (FIN700)
ACC704 Companies and Securities Law
ACC705 Corporate Accounting and Reporting (ACC701, FIN700)
ACC703 Accounting Information Systems

Third Trimester

ACC706 Accounting Theory and Issues (ACC701)
ACC707Auditing and Assurance (ACC701, ACC704)
ACC708Taxation Law (ACC704)
BUS707 Applied Business Research (Last trimester only)

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