• Miss a class because I was sick?

    Please provide a medical certificate to the Academic Manager via KOI Reception. Remember the medical certificate must be specific and detailed as to what is wrong with you – terms such as “medical condition” or “unwell” are not acceptable.

  • Submit an assignment late because I was sick?

    Complete and submit the “Application for Assignment Extension or Deferred Exam – Medical Reasons” form available at KOI Reception and also on the KOI website – www.koi.edu.au (under the Policies and Forms tab) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT NO LATER THAN 3 WORKING DAYS after the assignment due date. You need to attach a medical certificate and your doctor will need to stamp and sign the form. Remember the medical certificate must be specific and detailed as to what is wrong with you – terms such as “medical condition” or “unwell” are not acceptable. You will be advised if an assignment extension has been granted, and the new due date for the assignment. Please be aware that there is no guarantee an extension will be granted. You should anticipate submitting the assignment as soon as possible after the original due date. Late penalties will be applied to assignments submitted after the extension date if granted.

  • Submit an assignment late for some other, unavoidable reason?

    Complete and submit the “Application for Assignment Extension or Deferred Exam – Non-Medical Reasons” form available at KOI Reception and also on the KOI website – www.koi.edu.au (under the Policies and Forms tab) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT NO LATER THAN 3 WORKING DAYS after the assignment due date. You need to attach supporting evidence of the circumstances preventing you from submitting the assignment (the form illustrates the types of circumstances and supporting evidence required). You will be advised if an assignment extension has been granted, and the new due date for the assignment. Please remember there is no guarantee an extension will be granted, or the length of time given if an extension is granted. You should anticipate submitting the assignment as soon as possible after the original due date. Late penalties will be applied to assignments submitted after the extension date if granted.

  • Miss an exam because I was sick?

    Complete and submit the “Application for Assignment Extension or Deferred Exam – Medical Reasons” form available at KOI Reception and also on the KOI website – www.koi.edu.au (under the Policies and Forms tab) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT NO LATER THAN 3 WORKING DAYS after the exam date. You will need to attach a medical certificate, and your doctor will need to stamp and sign the form. Remember the medical certificate must be specific and detailed as to what is wrong with you – terms such as “medical condition” or “unwell” are not acceptable. You will be advised if a deferred exam has been granted, and the date of the deferred exam. There will be only one date for deferred exams and failure to sit the exam on the deferred date will mean you fail the subject.
    Please be aware that there is no guarantee a deferred exam will be granted.

  • Miss an exam for some other, unavoidable reason?

    Complete and submit the “Application for Assignment Extension or Deferred Exam – Non-Medical Reasons” form available at KOI Reception and also on the KOI website – www.koi.edu.au (under the Policies and Forms tab) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT NO LATER THAN 3 WORKING DAYS after the exam date. You need to attach supporting evidence of the circumstances preventing you from submitting the assignment (the form illustrates the types of circumstances and supporting evidence required). You will be advised if a deferred exam has been granted, and the date of the deferred exam. There will be only one date for deferred exams and failure to sit the exam on the deferred date will mean you fail the subject.
    Please be aware that there is no guarantee a deferred exam will be granted.

  • Need to contact a lecturer?

    You will find the lecturer’s email address on the front page of each Subject Outline. You can also contact your lecturers and tutors via the E-Learning portal. If you cannot find the email address, please contact Reception or the Student Services Officer.

  • Want to find out my exam timetable?

    The final exam timetable is published a month prior to the exam commencement date (end of WEEK 9 of the Trimester) and placed on all notice boards and information screens throughout KOI. It is also uploaded on the KOI website and E-Learning portal.

    Please note that it is the responsibility of each student to check the timetable. Notification of the release date will be emailed to all students via their KOI email addresses.

  • Want to know my results for a subject?

    If you are looking for trimester grades for assignments / mid trimester exam / tutorial participation, please contact your tutor. These Marks will also be available via Moodle E-Learning portal during each trimester. Your final (letter) grades will be available on the Student Portal. They can be located under CURRENT STUDENT menu on KOI’s website.

  • Want to know my GPA?

    Please click here to calculate your GPA.

  • Need more help in classes / am having difficulty with my studies?

    Please contact the Student Adviser through KOI Reception.

  • Am having cultural / settling in problems?

    Please contact the Academic Manager and/or the Student Services Officer through KOI Reception.

  • Want to find out information about working / internships in Australia?

    Information on working in Sydney can be obtained from our internship and job placement service available on KOI notice boards, the Student Portal and from the KOI Student Experience Manager. Appointments can be made at Reception.

  • Want to apply for a trimester break?

    Students who, for some reason, wish to interrupt studies (for example, to ask for trimester break, emergency leave, late start, long-term medical leave) MUST get prior approval from KOI.

    Please contact Student Services (studentserv@koi.edu.au) for instructions on how to apply.

    For a trimester break to be granted, please note that you must enroll for two (2) consecutive trimesters at KOI, pass at least 7 subjects, and able to complete a course within the duration of your CoE.

    You will unlikely be granted a trimester break after your first trimester, or if your academic progression is unsatisfactory.