FEE-HELP (Domestic)

What is FEE HELP?

FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that helps eligible students enrolled in a fee paying place to pay their tuition fees.

Fee paying places are generally available for postgraduate courses at universities, and in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by private providers.

You do not have to use a FEE-HELP loan to pay your tuition fees. You can choose to pay all your tuition fees upfront, or you can pay some upfront and use a FEE-HELP loan for the rest, or use a FEE-HELP loan for all your tuition fees (up to your FEE-HELP limit).

To get a FEE-HELP loan, you must

  • be an Australian citizen and study at least part of your course in Australia.
  • be a New Zealand Special Category visa (SCV) holder or permanent humanitarian visa holder and meet the residency requirements.

Permanent residents can only get FEE-HELP for approved bridging studies. (please read FEE-HELP booklet)

  • be enrolled in a fee-paying place at a provider that offers FEE-HELP loans.
  • be enrolled in an eligible course at your provider by the census date.
  • submit the Request for FEE-HELP  form to your provider by the census date.
  • not have already borrowed up to your FEE-HELP limit. ($121,844 in 2024)

– If you are studying at a non-university, you will also need to meet the ‘pass rate’ requirements.

Download the FEE-HELP booklet

KOI Key Dates

How can I apply?

Please call us on 02 9283 3583 or contact us ([email protected]) to receive information on the application process.

For more details Click here

What if I need to cancel my studies?

If you have applied for FEE-HELP and then decided to cancel your studies, you must withdraw your enrolment in each unit of study before the census date or you’ll incur debt.

If you withdraw from a unit after the census date due to serious illness or other “special circumstances”, you can apply to KOI to have your HELP debt remitted (and your FEE-HELP balance re-credit if applicable). Requests for re-crediting of HELP debts should be sent to [email protected] accompanied by independent supporting documentation. Students will be informed of the outcome within ten (10) working days.

If you withdraw from a unit after the census date due to “change of mind”, you are legally obliged to repay your HELP debt and will not be able to apply to have your HELP debt remitted.

Further information regarding refunds and complaint can also be found at:

How do I get a Tax File Number?

To apply for a Tax File Number, visit the Australian Taxation Office website.

What is a CHESSN?

This is a 10-digit number provided by the Australian Government, to all students who are in receipt of a HELP loan. If you have accessed Commonwealth assistance between 2005 and 2020 you will have been assigned a CHESSN. From 2021, the CHESSN will be replaced with the Unique Student Identifier (USI) for new students.

What is a Unique Student Identifier(USI)?

Your USI is a reference number made up of a combination of ten numbers and letters. It is a student identifier assigned to you by the Student Identifiers Registrar under the Student Identifiers Act 2014. Your USI is used to connect your student loan information to your personal details. If you are starting a higher education course in 2021 you will need a USI to get a HELP loan for your study. If you do not already have a USI, you can apply for one on the Unique Student Identifier website (www.usi.gov.au)

What happens if my course ceases to be offered?

Please read our Statement of Tuition Assurance.