Graduate Register

Search for KOI Graduates

Graduate Register Search

The Graduate Register Search engine below includes all King’s Own Institute’s awards conferred from year 2012 onwards.
You may search with any of the criteria, however, when searching with Degree Type either a Last Name or First Name must also be included.

Search results are limited to 10. The results of your search will appear with the graduate’s current formal name, degree title and conferral date.

If a result is not returned, please check if the details have been entered correctly. If there is still no result, you may wish to email with the subject heading Degree Verification.

In the body of your email please advise the graduate’s date of birth, details of any name changes and the name of the award you wish to have verified.

A signed consent form must also be attached. Most requests take approximately 2 business days to be processed. In instances where we need to access archive material, it may take a little longer.
