28 June, 2023

Artificial Intelligence is here to support You, not to take away your jobs

In today’s fast-paced world, the rapid advancements in technology, particularly in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), have sparked concerns about the potential impact on the job market. However, history has shown us that with each major technological breakthrough, instead of replacing human capabilities, it has created new opportunities and enhanced productivity. AI is no exception to this trend. In this blog, we will explore how AI complements human intelligence, why it is essential for individuals to embrace AI, and how King’s Own Institute in Sydney and Newcastle can support your AI education.

AI and Human Intelligence: A Powerful Partnership
While AI has made remarkable strides in mimicking certain human cognitive abilities, it is important to note that it still falls short in replicating the complexity and versatility of the human mind. Here are a few areas where human intelligence continues to outshine AI:

  1. Creativity and Innovation: AI excels at data processing and analysis, but it lacks the ability to generate entirely new ideas or think outside the box. Human creativity remains unparalleled when it comes to artistic expression, design, and imaginative problem-solving.
  2. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and responding to emotions, empathizing with others, and forming meaningful connections are deeply human qualities that AI struggles to replicate. Jobs that require interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence, such as counseling, mentoring, and customer service, will continue to rely on human involvement.
  3. Ethical Decision-Making: AI operates based on algorithms and predefined rules, lacking the moral compass and ethical judgment that humans possess. In complex situations that require nuanced decision-making, human intelligence is indispensable to consider the broader context, consequences, and ethical implications.

Learning and Embracing AI in Daily Life
Rather than fearing the rise of AI, it is crucial for individuals, especially students, to recognize its potential and incorporate it into their lives. By embracing AI, you can leverage its power to augment your abilities, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive edge. Here are a few ways to implement AI integration in your daily life:

  1. Personal Assistants: AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant can help manage your schedules, answer queries, and automate routine tasks, freeing up your time for more meaningful activities.
  2. Data Analysis and Decision-Making: AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data, uncover patterns, and provide valuable insights for making informed decisions in fields such as finance, marketing, healthcare, and research.
  3. Education and Learning: AI-powered educational tools and platforms offer personalized learning experiences, adapt to individual needs, and provide real-time feedback. This enables students to enhance their understanding, explore diverse subjects, and develop essential skills for the future.

The Role of AI in a Student’s Life
As a student, integrating AI into your daily life can bring numerous benefits and enhance your educational journey. By embracing AI and incorporating it into your education, students can gain a competitive edge and prepare yourselves for the future job market.

Those who are proficient in AI will have an advantage in fields such as data analytics, business analytics, robotics, cybersecurity, and more. Failure to adapt and understand AI could lead to a disadvantage when navigating the ever-changing technological landscape.

Here are some ways AI can support students:

  1. Personalised Learning: AI-powered educational platforms can adapt to individual learning styles and preferences, providing personalized content and recommendations. These tools help students grasp concepts more effectively, identify areas of improvement, and offer tailored learning experiences.
  2. Intelligent Tutoring: AI-driven tutoring systems can provide real-time feedback and guidance, helping students navigate through challenging subjects and enhancing their understanding. These systems adapt to individual progress and offer targeted assistance, making the learning process more efficient and engaging.
  3. Research and Information Gathering: AI algorithms can quickly analyze vast amounts of data, assisting students in conducting research, identifying relevant sources, and extracting key insights. This accelerates the process of information gathering and enables students to produce high-quality work.
  4. Virtual Reality and Simulations: AI-powered virtual reality (VR) and simulations offer immersive learning experiences across various disciplines. Students can explore historical events, conduct virtual science experiments, or practice real-life scenarios, enhancing their understanding and practical skills.

Maintaining Academic Integrity: Responsible use of AI by students to uphold education standards
It is crucial to address the importance of ethical use of AI in academic settings. While AI offers vast resources and tools to aid students in their research, it is imperative to emphasise that plagiarism through AI is unacceptable and can have severe consequences. Students should not resort to using AI to generate or copy content without proper attribution. Plagiarism detection software employed by educational institutions is becoming increasingly sophisticated and can easily identify instances of plagiarism. Instead, students should focus on using AI as a tool to enhance their understanding, gather insights, and support their own logical reasoning and explanations. Emphasising the significance of academic integrity and originality, students must strive to produce their own work, properly citing sources and providing unique insights. Misusing AI for plagiarism not only compromises personal growth and ethical development but can also lead to serious repercussions within educational institutions, including academic penalties and suspension of studies.

Real-Life Example: AI in Medical Education
An excellent example of AI’s impact on education can be seen in medical training. Students pursuing careers in medicine can utilize AI-powered simulations to practice complex surgical procedures in a safe and controlled environment. These simulations provide valuable hands-on experience, allowing students to refine their skills before interacting with real patients. AI algorithms can also analyze medical images, assisting in the accurate diagnosis of diseases and aiding in treatment planning.

Real-Life Example: AI in Accounting Education
Another example of AI’s impact on education can be seen in accounting studies and processes. AI-powered software can extract relevant data from invoices, receipts, and financial statements, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This automation reduces human errors and saves valuable time, allowing accountants to focus on more strategic tasks. AI algorithms can analyse large volumes of financial data to detect patterns and anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activities. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of financial data, identify trends, and provide insights for accurate financial analysis and forecasting. These tools enable accountants to make data-driven decisions, identify potential areas for cost reduction, and improve overall financial performance. By leveraging AI in your accounting studies, students can shift their focus from repetitive and time-consuming tasks to strategic financial analysis, planning, and advising.

King’s Own Institute: Empowering Your AI Journey
To meet the growing demand for AI expertise, King’s Own Institute offers comprehensive Bachelor and Master programs in Information Technology and Information Systems with various majors. These programs equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the AI field. The institute’s industry-relevant curriculum, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities ensure students receive a quality education in AI and related disciplines.

For more information:


AI is not a threat to human employment; it is a tool that can enhance our capabilities and revolutionise various industries. While AI has its limitations, human intelligence remains invaluable for creativity, emotional intelligence, and ethical decision-making. By embracing AI and integrating it into our lives, we can unlock its vast potential for personal growth, productivity, and innovation.

If you’re looking to embark on a journey in the exciting world of AI, King’s Own Institute in Sydney and Newcastle offers excellent educational programs to support your aspirations and equip you with the skills needed to thrive in the AI-driven future. Embrace AI as a partner, not as a threat.

Saying this, consider AI technologies as an approach to make your life easier. And don’t stress the term “intelligent” too much. However, always be aware of what type of data and personal information you really want to share. Once it is out, it’s virtually impossible to roll it back.

22 June, 2023

The Rising Demand for Cybersecurity Professionals in Australia’s Job Market

In an increasingly interconnected world, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. With the rapid advancement of technology, the need to protect sensitive information, critical infrastructure, and digital assets has become paramount. In this blog post, we will explore the surging demand for cybersecurity professionals in the Australian job market. Discover why a career in cybersecurity holds immense potential and how you can capitalize on this thriving industry.

The Evolving Threat Landscape:
In today’s world, cyber threats are pervasive and constantly evolving. From sophisticated hacking attempts to data breaches and ransomware attacks, organizations of all sizes and sectors face substantial risks. As a result, the demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals has skyrocketed to safeguard sensitive data and mitigate potential damages.

Growing Digital Transformation:
Australia is witnessing a significant digital transformation across industries. Organizations are adopting cloud computing, embracing the Internet of Things (IoT), and leveraging artificial intelligence. While these advancements offer numerous benefits, they also introduce new vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity professionals play a critical role in securing digital infrastructure and ensuring the smooth functioning of these technologies.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements:
Compliance with cybersecurity regulations is crucial for businesses operating in Australia. The Australian government has implemented stringent data protection laws, such as the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme and the Privacy Act. Compliance with these regulations necessitates the expertise of cybersecurity professionals to implement robust security measures, conduct risk assessments, and ensure data privacy.

Industry-Specific Cybersecurity Needs:
Different industries face unique cybersecurity challenges. In Australia, sectors such as banking and finance, healthcare, telecommunications, energy, and government have particularly high demands for cybersecurity professionals. Financial institutions require experts in fraud prevention and secure transactions, while healthcare organizations need specialists to protect patient records and sensitive medical data.

Cybersecurity Skills Shortage:
Despite the growing demand, there is a shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals in Australia. This talent gap provides aspiring professionals with ample opportunities for career growth and job security. By acquiring the necessary skills and certifications, you can position yourself as a valuable asset in the job market.

Lucrative Career Prospects:
The demand for cybersecurity professionals has led to highly competitive salaries and excellent career prospects. Salaries in the cybersecurity field are typically higher than average, and experienced professionals often enjoy numerous advancement opportunities and benefits. The field also offers flexibility, with opportunities for remote work and consultancy roles.

Pathways and Skills Required:
To enter the cybersecurity field, a combination of technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and continuous learning is essential. Some key skills and certifications sought after in the Australian job market include:

  • Network and system security
  • Incident response and digital forensics
  • Risk management and compliance
  • Security architecture and design
  • Industry certifications (e.g., CISSP, CEH, CISM, CompTIA Security+)

Education and Training Opportunities:
Numerous Australian universities and Private institutions like King’s Own Institute (KOI) offer cybersecurity programs, ranging from undergraduate degrees to specialised postgraduate courses. These programs equip students with the knowledge and practical skills required to excel in the field.

Learn more: https://koi.edu.au/courses/postgraduate-courses/master-of-information-technology

In today’s digital age, the demand for cybersecurity professionals in Australia continues to surge. Organisations across industries are prioritising the protection of their digital assets, creating a wealth of career opportunities for skilled individuals. By embracing a career in cybersecurity, you can contribute to safeguarding Australia’s digital landscape while enjoying a rewarding and financially lucrative profession.

Seize the moment, acquire the necessary skills, and embark on a journey that will help protect and shape the future of our interconnected world. King’s Own Institute (KOI) can help.

6 June, 2023

The Hybrid Learning Value Proposition

King’s Own Institute (KOI) opened a hybrid learning facility in Newcastle in late 2022. While the initiation of hybridity relies on technological solutions and configurations, it is important to note that this is merely one aspect contributing to the user experience. It is essential to acknowledge that technology alone cannot bring about a transformation in practices.

In any event, the advantages of a hybrid model over a strictly face to face or online model is that the learning space is envisioned as a holistic ecosystem encompassing learners, teachers, pedagogical practices, digital and material resources, as well as physical infrastructure such as buildings and furniture. It is a combination of all of these attributes and competencies that the hybrid learning value proposition is revealed.

Consider the following example pertaining to the Diploma of Accounting. There are a number of Diploma of Accounting courses available in a strictly online or face to face environment. However, the disadvantage of a strictly face to face environment is the limited flexibility in terms of learning format, as it requires attending classes on campus. In contrast, a strictly online engagement may not be as deep as in the face-to-face programs. According to Fredricks et al (2004), engagement encompasses three key dimensions: (1) behavioural engagement, which involves actions like attending lectures, asking questions, and participating in quizzes; (2) emotional engagement, which encompasses feelings of interest, a sense of belonging, boredom, frustration, or enjoyment; and (3) cognitive engagement, which pertains to learning outcomes, metacognition, and self-regulated learning (Fredricks et al, 2004). In this context, studying a Diploma in Accounting at KOI Newcastle (in a hybrid learning environment) provides a number of benefits including the following key points.

  1. Flexibility and Convenience: Hybrid programs provide a blend of face-to-face and online learning, offering flexibility in terms of scheduling and location. You can attend in-person classes for certain sessions while accessing course materials and lectures online for others. This flexibility allows you to balance your studies with work, personal commitments, or other obligations.
  2. Personalized Learning Experience: Hybrid programs often incorporate online modules that allow for self-paced learning. You can review lectures, materials, and assignments online at your own speed, ensuring a personalized learning experience. This approach accommodates different learning styles and enables you to focus on areas where you need more time or practice.
  3. Practical Hands-on Learning: Face-to-face components of a hybrid diploma program provide opportunities for practical, hands-on learning experiences. In-person classes, workshops, and group activities allow you to apply theoretical knowledge, work on real-world case studies, and develop practical skills relevant to the accounting profession. This combination of online theory and face-to-face practice enhances your overall learning experience.
  4. Networking and Collaboration: Hybrid programs offer networking opportunities both in-person and online. You can interact with instructors, classmates, and industry professionals during face-to-face sessions, fostering relationships and building a professional network. Additionally, online discussion boards, group projects, and virtual collaborations allow for networking and collaboration with peers from different locations and backgrounds.
  5. Access to Resources: Hybrid programs often provide access to a wide range of resources. Physical campuses offer libraries, computer labs, and accounting software, while online platforms provide digital resources, e-books, and online databases. This combination ensures that you have access to a comprehensive set of resources to support your learning and research needs.
  6. Adaptability to Different Learning Styles: Hybrid programs cater to different learning styles, accommodating students who thrive in face-to-face interactions as well as those who prefer online self-paced learning. By offering a variety of learning modalities, the program allows you to choose the approach that best suits your learning preferences, maximizing your learning outcomes.
  7. Career Readiness: A hybrid diploma in accounting prepares you for the demands of the modern workforce. It equips you with technical accounting skills, as well as proficiency in online communication tools and virtual collaboration platforms. This combination of technical and digital skills enhances your employability and prepares you for the evolving nature of the accounting profession.

The value proposition of a hybrid face-to-face and online diploma in accounting lies in its flexibility, personalized learning experience, practical hands-on learning, networking opportunities, access to resources, adaptability to different learning styles, and career readiness. Of course, these benefits are not unique to the Diploma of Accounting, these benefits apply to all the hybrid courses offered at KOI. The fact is that by blending the best of both worlds, a hybrid program offers a dynamic and comprehensive educational experience that prepares students for success.

19 April, 2023

Important Update regarding Student Management System at KOI

For Sydney students, we are migrating our student Management System at KOI to a new technology platform (“TechOne” or “T1”) in the next couple of months. TechOne is one of the industry leading student management software used by many of the renowned Australian universities and other higher education institutions. This shift is going to change the way you access your student information and how some of the current student processes are managed. Watch this space for further updates.

27 July, 2021

Student Experience Survey 2021

KOI is participating in the Student Experience Survey (SES). The SES is a national survey being conducted for the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

The results of this survey will help higher education providers and the government to improve the student experience. Your feedback is very important and will contribute directly to the quality of teaching and learning for current and future students.

The SES is administered by the Social Research Centre, a leading research organisation, on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

Please watch your inbox for an email invitation for the SES or you can go to www.ses.edu.au for more information.

5 May, 2021

The first round of GOS May prize winners are in!

The first round of GOS May prize winners are in!

Thanks to all who participated in the Graduate Outcomes Survey 2021, and congratulations below winner!

R Maharjan (King’s Own Institute) – $250 Prize.

28 April, 2021

Australian Governments Graduate Outcome Survey. May, 2021

If you finished your studies in Oct 2020, watch your email inbox during the first week of May for an invitation to complete the GOS.

By completing the survey, you will be entered into a weekly prize draw for the chance to win a $1,000 prepaid VISA gift e-card*

Thank you in advance for your valued participation!

27 April, 2020

Australian Government’s Graduate Outcome Survey

KOI is participating in the Australian Government’s Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) administered by the Social Research Centre. KOI Graduates who completed their studies in November 2020 may receive an invitation via email with a username and password to participate in the survey. We strongly encourage you to complete the survey at your earliest convenience! Thank you in advance for your time and feedback.

24 July, 2019

KOI Videos

KOI Library & IT information
KOI Learning Skill Center (LSC)
21 May, 2019

International student spending and income survey

Tell us about living and studying in Australia

 The Australian Government is researching the economic contribution of international students throughout Australia.

And they need your help. Australian Survey Research has been asked to conduct the study with students around Australia.

Current T119 students were emailed a unique link soon which will give you access to the survey.

At the end of the survey, you will also be given the chance to win a brand new iPhone 8 (64GB), or one of five $100 grocery store gift cards.

All international students are invited to answer. Your contribution is very important. Thank you for helping.

Want more info? please call 1800 068 89 or email studentsurvey@aussurveys.com

5 October, 2018

KOI Visit to Arellano University

Carolina Laurenco, Marketing Officer of King’s Own Institute (KOI)  in Sydney, Australia visited Arellano University last September 4, 2018 to discuss possible ways to promote their programs to students of Arellano University.

Last year, KOI evaluated the BS Accountancy curriculum of Arellano University for credit transfer, paving  the 3+2 pathway for AU Accountancy students to study and graduate in KOI.   Accountancy students of AU who have successfully completed the first 3 years of education in AU may transfer to KOI in Sydney, Australia and study for another two years  to earn a degree either in Bachelor of Business Major in Accounting or Bachelor of Business Major in Management and Finance.

King’s Own Institute is a tertiary level institution located in central Sydney, Australia and offering high quality accredited degree courses in Accounting, Business, and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).

Named after a regiment of the British army with which the CEO and Dean was associated as an exchange officer, King’s Own Institute adopts a similar spirit and values with traditions and an established reputation for its recognized development of successful leaders.

KOI was introduced to Arellano University by Career Consultants Network (CCN) who is a recognized agent of KOI

20 September, 2018

How to study an MPA program in Australia without putting your life on hold

How to study an MPA program in Australia without putting your life on hold

Being an international student in Australia and enrolled in a Master of Professional Accounting Program is a big commitment; however it does not mean that you will have to put your life on hold to commit your time only for your postgraduate degree.

King’s Own institute thinks in their international students’ needs. Here are a few advantages of being a student at KOI:

Flexible timetable

We offer a few options to our students so they can tailor their timetable as best suits them. Saturday classes are also available.

Trimester System

KOI has a trimester based system which means we have three intakes per year: March, July and November.  To be eligible for a one trimester break, students must enroll in two consecutive trimesters and successfully complete at least 7 subjects.

International students are allowed to work full time during their break so it is a good opportunity for you to save money or/and develop their careers. You will have more time to enjoy themselves. Part of the international student experience is to explore new places and enjoy the Australian lifestyle.

Student support

KOI offers great support to our students. We are always here to listen to you! If you face any difficulties, we will always do our best to support you. We want to make sure our students have a memorable experience while studying at KOI.

Studying an MPA in Australia requires your time and dedication but you do not have to put your whole life on hold. Time is usually the biggest obstacle when a student intends to pursue a postgraduate degree, so we wanted to build a course that would match the students’ needs!

Would like to know more about our MPA program?

Please visit: www.koi.edu.au, or contact KOI Marketing team (marketing@koi.edu.au).


23 July, 2018

KOI is now 8 years old.

Hurray! King’s Own Institute turns 8 on 4 Aug 2018.
We would like to celebrate the great achievement with AIBM Council, KOI Academic Board, Academic Members (Lecturers & Tutors), and KOI Administration Staff. Special thanks to KOI graduates and students since Aug 2010.
Wishing for great success years to come~~~

20 July, 2018

KOI Graduate’s Testimonial – Natasha Debiana

KOI Graduate’s Testimonial – Natasha Debiana, Indonesian, Master of Professional Accounting. Natasha Debiana, Indonesian graduated from Master of Professional Accounting and awarded for a certificate of academic excellence in June 2018.
Let’s share her dream~~
10 July, 2018

KOI Graduate’s Testimonial – Vladilena ZMYSLINSKAYA

KOI Graduate’s Testimonial – Vladilena ZMYSLINSKAYA, Russian, Master of Professional Accounting
Vladilena ZMYSLINSKAYA from Russian Federation graduate with “Outstanding Academic Performance Award” for Postgraduate studies in June 2018. 
Let’s share her story 
6 July, 2018

Undergraduate Orientation Day – July 2018 Intake

Welcome to KOI, all new students in undergraduate studies for July 2018 intake!
It was a great pleasure meeting you all and we wish you for the best for your new study journey with us.
Do not forget we are here to support you.

5 July, 2018

Postgraduate Orientation Day – July 2018 Intake

Postgraduate Orientation Day for July 2018 intake was the other day and it was our great pleasure meeting the new students who are about to comment on their postgraduate study with us.
We wish you all the best~~

2 July, 2018

KOI Orientation Day – Postgraduate July 2018

July 2018 Intake Orientation Days are set to go~~ For the new students in Postgraduate studies, the orientation day will be on Wed 4 July 2018 at 1:45 pm. Would you like to know more about the Orientation Day program?

29 June, 2018

KOI Graduate’s Testimonial – Mazharul ISLAM

Mazharul ISLAM from Bangladesh was graduated with Bachelor of Business (Accounting) in June 2018. 
He was awarded a certificate of academic excellence on 15th Graduation Ceremony and would like to share his study experience at King’s Own Institute. 
19 June, 2018

KOI 15th Graduation Ceremony Highlights

KOI 15th Graduation Ceremony Highlights (13 June 2018) Congratulations to all the graduates of June 2018 and wishing you all the best for your future career. We will miss you all~~ #KOI #15th_Graduation_ceremony #Bachelor_of_Business_Accounting #Master_of_Professional_Accounting #Diploma_of_Accounting #Graduate_Diploma_of_Business #Undergraduate #Postgraduate #the_best_accounting_institute_in_Sydney #Higher_Education #unforgettable_moment #graduations

21 May, 2018

Graduate Certificate in TESOL


Are you looking for a career in Teaching (Short Course)?
Graduate Certificate in TESOL may be the one! The course opens now for Nov 2018 intake.

Graduate Certificate in TESOL (CRICOS 083136G)

The Graduate Certificate in TESOL is a course designed for prospective teachers wishing to teach English to speakers of other languages. The course consists of 4 core subjects which prepares students for a variety of language teaching contexts in Australia and overseas. It integrates current theory and practice of TESOL, including teaching methodologies, programming and planning, and linguistics for language teaching.

The course also provides the foundation for students wanting to progress to the Graduate Diploma in TESOL or the Master of Arts (TESOL).

Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in TESOL may find employment opportunities locally or overseas teaching English as a second or foreign language.

Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in TESOL may apply for admission into KOI’s Graduate Diploma in TESOL or Master of Arts (TESOL) with credit given for studies completed within the Graduate Certificate in TESOL. Graduates are also eligible to apply for admission into further postgraduate qualifications in Australia and overseas.

16 May, 2018

Graduate Diploma in TESOL

Are you looking for a career in Teaching? Graduate Diploma in TESOL opens for Nov 2018 intake & March 2019 intakes. 

For details, click here,https://koi.edu.au/courses/postgraduate-courses/graduate-diploma-of-tesol/
Graduate Diploma in TESOL (CRICOS 083135J)
The Graduate Diploma in TESOL meets the professional development needs of a wide range of English language teachers and educators teaching people of all ages. It caters for students seeking an initial teaching qualification in teaching English to adult speakers of other languages. It is also well suited to applicants who already possess a teaching qualification and wish to gain a specialist degree in the field as they are eligible for credit recognition.

The Graduate Diploma in TESOL consists of 6 core subjects and 2 electives, providing students with a solid foundation in the skills and knowledge to pursue a successful career in the discipline, and is a means of combining work and travel opportunities, with employment opportunities readily available in Australia and other countries. The course also provides the foundation for students wanting to progress to the Master of Arts (TESOL).

Graduates of the Graduate Diploma in TESOL may find employment opportunities locally or overseas teaching English as a second or foreign language, in ELICOS programs (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) and the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

10 May, 2018

What Is Your Dream in 2018?

We have asked currently studying students about their goal in 2018.
Let’s share their story!
Featured students in order:
Alisha Aryal, Nepal, Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
Bibika Baniya, Nepal, Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
Michal Tomcik, Czech, Master of Professional Accounting
Suraj Uprety, Nepal, Master of Professional Accounting
Bilal Mukhtar, Pakistan, Master of Professional Accounting
Immacolata Catano, Italy, Master of Professional Accounting
Manisha Sharma, India, Master of Professional Accounting
Chijioke Jeremiah Amuzie, Nigeria, Master of Professional Accounting
Yuri Im, Korea, Master of Professional Accounting
Lidya, Indonesia, Master of Professional Accounting
Aldo Yunus, Indonesia, Master of Professional Accounting
Numan Rasul, Pakistan, Master of Professional Accounting (Graduate 2018)
#KOI #KOIStudents #KOIDream2018 #WhatIsYourGoalin2018
4 May, 2018

KOI Agent Testimonial – Winnie Rakphong


KOI Agent Testimonial – Winnie Rakphong, Thai, Managing Director, QEAC, Impress Education Centre
Winnie Rakphong, Managing Director, Impress Education Centre has been working with King’s Own Institute since 2014 for international students recruitment from Thailand and Laos. 

We had a chance to meet her to share her experience as a Qualified Education Agent Counselor. 
Let’s share her story.

28 April, 2018

Dr Doug’s Anzac Day 2018 Salute



Dr Doug Hinchliffe, CEO & Dean Professor, King’s Own Institute at ANZAC Day 2018 in Melbourne.  He was featured on Anzac Day Special Edition Newspaper front page (A photo top right corner) with his daughter Faye to march with his mates from the Australian Army Training Team, Vietnam (AATTV).
We are so proud of you, Dr Doug!

22 March, 2018

KOI Graduate’s Testimonial – Beverly Best

Congratulations, Beverly Best, Australia graduating from Master of Arts (TESOL)! She says… I’m a good example that age, gender, nationality should not stop you from continuing to learn all through your life….
Let’s share her story.

20 March, 2018

KOI Graduate’s Testimonial – Honey Beltran


KOI Graduate’s Testimonial – Honey Lyn Calisin BELTRAN, Philippines, Master of Arts TESOL
Honey Beltran is a recent graduate from King’s Own Institute in Master of Arts (TESOL).
Let’s share her experience studying at KOI and her career plan.
#TESOL #TeachingQualification #Philippines #masterofartstesol #KOI #studyabroad #studyinaustralia #postgraduategraduate #highereducation

19 March, 2018

Undergraduate Orientation Day

Lovely to meet new students in Undergraduate programs on March 2018 intake Orientation Day! 
Enjoy your study at King’s Own Institute and Do Not forget that we are all here to support you.


Lovely to meet new students in Undergraduate programs on March 2018 intake Orientation Day! 
Enjoy your study at King’s Own Institute and Do Not forget that we are all here to support you.
Special Thanks to KOI Volunteers for your support!
#OrientationDay #UndergraduateOrientationDay#thebeginningofyourstudy #highereducation #KOI
 — at KOI: King’s Own Institute. 


Lovely to meet new students in Undergraduate programs on March 2018 intake Orientation Day! 
Enjoy your study at King’s Own Institute and Do Not forget that we are all here to support you.
Undergraduate Orientation Day Photo 1
#OrientationDay #UndergraduateOrientationDay#thebeginningofyourstudy #highereducation #KOI
 — at KOI: King’s Own Institute. 


Lovely to meet new students in Undergraduate programs on March 2018 intake Orientation Day! 
Enjoy your study at King’s Own Institute and Do Not forget that we are all here to support you.
Undergraduate Orientation Day Photo 2
#OrientationDay #UndergraduateOrientationDay#thebeginningofyourstudy #highereducation #KOI
 — at KOI: King’s Own Institute. 


Lovely to meet new students in Undergraduate programs on March 2018 intake Orientation Day! 
Enjoy your study at King’s Own Institute and Do Not forget that we are all here to support you.
Undergraduate Orientation Day Photo 3
#OrientationDay #UndergraduateOrientationDay#thebeginningofyourstudy #highereducation #KOI
 — at KOI: King’s Own Institute. 
9 March, 2018

Postgraduate Orientation Day

Great to see all new students in postgraduate for today’s Orientation Day! 
We had more than 430 students participation and are so pleased to have them at KOI!
#OrientationDay #PostgraduateOrientationDay#thebeginningofyourstudy #highereducation #KOI#thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney 


Great to see all new students in postgraduate for Orientation Day!
We had more than 430 students’ participation and are so pleased to have them at KOI!
Special thanks to KOI Students who have supported Orientation Day Sessions as volunteer.
Photo from the left, Sean Ohanlon, Student Engagement Manager
Sharan NEUPANE, Nepal, Bachelor of Business (Accounting), a member of KOI Student Society
Jayakody Wilochani JAYAKODY, Sri Lanka, Master of Professional Accounting
Angila SHARMA, Nepal, Master of Professional Accounting
Suraj UPRETY, Nepal, Master of Professional Accounting
Nikolina GJEROVSKA, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bachelor of Business (Accounting), CPA Ambassador of KOI
Dilasha KARKI, Nepal, Bachelor of Business (Accounting), a member of KOI Student Society
#OrientationDay #PostgraduateOrientationDay#thebeginningofyourstudy #highereducation #KOI


Great to see all new students in postgraduate for Orientation Day! 
We had more than 430 students’ participation and are so pleased to have them at KOI! 


​ www.koi.edu.au
Great to see all new students in postgraduate for Orientation Day!
We had more than 430 students’ participation and are so pleased to have them at KOI!


Great to see all new students in postgraduate for Orientation Day!
We had more than 430 students’ participation and are so pleased to have them at KOI!


​ www.koi.edu.au
Great to see all new students in postgraduate for Orientation Day!
We had more than 430 students’ participation and are so pleased to have them at KOI!


Great to see all new students in postgraduate for Orientation Day!
We had more than 430 students’ participation and are so pleased to have them at KOI!


​ www.koi.edu.au
Great to see all new students in postgraduate for Orientation Day!
We had more than 430 students’ participation and are so pleased to have them at KOI!
7 March, 2018

Notice – Moodle Service Disruption

We wish to advise our academics and students of the below disruption from our Moodle services:
Note: Please note that during the below window the IT Department will be performing essential upgrades to the Moodle server.
Moodle services will not be available during the advised maintenance window.
Outage: Saturday 10th of March 2018 between 13:00 (AEST) and 18:00 (AEST)

If you have issues, please do not hesitate to contact IT Staff via email at itsupport@koi.edu.au

6 March, 2018

Intern of the month, Lubica ZORICAKOVA

Lubica ZORICAKOVA, Slovakia is our recent graduate from Master of Arts (TESOL) degree program.
Since her graduation, she has been doing professional internship with KOI Internship Scholarship approval.
We are so pleased to hear that she has been awarded as the Intern of the Month, Jan 2018. Wishing her the best of success on her future career!
#Internshipscholarship #KOI #highereducation #MasterofArtsTesol #Teachingqualification #internofthemonth #Slovakia
5 March, 2018

KOI Graduate’s Testimonial – Novi YULIANTY

KOI Graduate Testimonial – Novi YULIANTY, Indonesia, Undergraduate.
Novi YULIANTY has recently completed her Bachelor of Business (Accounting) degree from King’s Own Institute with Outstanding Academic Performance Award in Undergraduate Study.
Congratulations, Novi YULIANTY and we wish you the best of success on your future career.
#GraduationCeremony #KOI #Undergraduate #BachelorofBusinessAccounting #OutstandingAcademicPerformanceAward #studyabroad #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney

2 March, 2018

What Would be Your Dream in 2018?

We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
#KOIDream2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney 

We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Bibika Baniya, Nepal, Bachelor of Business (Accounting)…”In 2018, I want to Stay Focused”..
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Alisha Aryal, Nepal, Bachelor of Business (Accounting)..”Skydiving ..Singing in a Mass”…
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Aldo Yunus, Indonesia, Master of Professional Accounting..”Get Hired By Public Accountant Firm”..
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Bilal Mukhtar, Pakistan, Master of Professional Accounting..”I desire to inculcate Peace and Happiness to a Larger Scale by Appreciating Beautiful Image of Human Kind”…
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate 


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Immacolata Catano, Italy, Master of Professional Accounting..”I Would Like To Be a Successful Teacher!”..
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate 


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Jeremiah Chijioke Amuzie, Nigeria, Master of Professional Accounting..”I Would Like To Gain Professional Work Experience and Network with Other Professionals in Sydney”….
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate 


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Lidya, Indonesia, Master of Professional Accounting…”I Would Like to Study Better and Gain Industry Experience”..
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate 


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Manisha Sharma, India, Master of Professional Accounting..”In 2018, I want to buy a Mustang”…
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate 


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Michal Tomcik, Czech, Master of Professional Accounting..”Be Healthy And Make Good Choices with a Peaceful Mind And Soul”…
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate 


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Yuri Im, Korea, Master of Professional Accounting…”I’d Like to Run a Half Marathon”….
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate 


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Numan Rasul, Pakistan, Master of Professional Accounting (Graduate 2018)…”This Yes, I Want To Work More On Social Cause”….
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate


We have asked students about their dreams in 2018.
What would be yours?
Suraj Uprety, Nepal, Master of Professional Accounting..”Help People in Syria”…
#KOIDream2018 #KOIstudents#whatsyourdreamin2018 #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #undergraduate#postgraduate 

1 March, 2018

KOI 14th Graduation Ceremony on 14 Feb 2018

KOI 14th Graduation Ceremony (14 Feb 2018)
Congratulations to all graduates and wishing you all the best for your future career.
Special thanks to Outstanding Academic Performance Award Recipients (Undergraduate Study), Luca Spataro, Italy, Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Novi Yulianty, Indonesia, Bachelor of Business (Accounting).
#KOI #14thGraduationCeremony #BachelorofBusinessAccounting #MasterofProfessionalAccounting #MasterofArtsTesol #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #unforgettablemoment #weareallwinners

27 February, 2018

Sana QAYYU, MPA with KOI Internship Scholarship

Sana QAYYU from Pakistan has just completed her Master of Professional Accounting Degree from King’s Own Institute.
Based on her academic performance and high level of English, she has been given KOI Internship Scholarship approval and had an internship training session with Australia Institute of Professional Pathways (www.aipptraining.com.au) .
We wish Sana Qayyum for the best of success on her future career.
#KOI #InternshipScholarship #Accounting #Pakistan#thebestaccountinginstituteofsydney #AIPPtraining#masterofprofessionalaccounting

26 Feb 2018
I am from Pakistan. I have studied Bachelors of Business Administration specialised in Marketing from university of Lahore, Pakistan.
I have completed my Masters in Professional Accounting from Kings Own Institute Sydney, Australia.
Besides my education I have 8 years of experience in Sales, Marketing and professional office jobs in other fields like Administration, Security Controller of the Macquarie bank Sydney Office.
I have excellent communication and management and computer skills. I wanted to get an advanced and better business experience in accounting field to excel my skills in this field. For this purpose my College KOI referred me AIPP to start my internship to get proper guidance.
AIPP gave me great tips to develop my skills, professionalism and self awareness.

20 February, 2018

Occasional Speaker, 14th Graduation Ceremony

It was a great honor to have Emeritus Professor George H Cooney, AM as 14th Graduation Ceremony Occasional Address.
Thank you so much for the inspiring speech for the recent graduates to make their eyes open further on steps they need to take for their future career/ life preparation.
Emeritus Professor George H Cooney, AM, BSc(Hons) MSc DipEd PhD University of Sydney
From the left, Dr Daniel O’Brien, KOI Lecturer, Master of Arts (TESOL) and Emeritus Professor George H Cooney
#14thGraduationCeremony #OccasionalSpeaker#KOI #highereducation #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #proudmoment
 — at Holme Building.

20 February, 2018

Academic Performance Awards Undergraduate

Congratulations to Luca Spataro and Novi Yulianty for your Outstanding Academic Performance Awards at 14th Graduation Ceremony of King’s Own Institute!
You have made us very proud and wishing you a very best of success on your future career.
Award Recipients for Undergraduate Studies (shared award)
Luca Spataro, Italy, Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
Novi Yulianty, Indonesia, Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
#outstandingacademicperformanceawards #KOI#14thgraduationceremony#bachelorofbusinessaccounting#masterofaccounting #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #proudmoment
 — at Holme Building.

20 February, 2018

Academic Performance Award Postgraduate

Congratulations to Ngoc Minh Le for your Outstanding Academic Performance Award at 14th Graduation Ceremony of King’s Own Institute!
You have made us very proud and wishing you a very best of success on your future career.
Award Recipient for Postgraduate Studies
Ngoc Minh Le, Vietnam, Master of Accounting
#outstandingacademicperformanceawards #KOI#14thgraduationceremony#bachelorofbusinessaccounting#masterofaccounting #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation #proudmoment
 — at Holme Building.

12 February, 2018

Meeting with IME Group Nepal

It was our great pleasure to have you with us, Mr Chandra Prasad Dhakal, Chairman of IME Group (globalimebank.com) and Vice president of Federation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI)(www.fncci.org/).
With a great number of Nepalese International students currently studying with us/ graduated from us, our meeting was surely productive and fruitful for their career perspective and potential internship options.
Have a safe journey to home and looking forward to seeing you soon.
Photo from the left:
Marketing Team of KOI
Accounts & Finance Team of KOI
Dr Doug Hinchliffe, CEO & Dean of KOI
Mr Chandra Prasad Dhakal, Executive Chairman of IME Group/ Vice President of Federation of Nepal Chmber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI)(http://globalimebank.com/profile/mr-chandra-prasad-dhakal)
Mr Jyoti Raj Kandel, Chief Representative at Global IME Bank (http://globalimebank.com/)
#IMEGroup #KOI #IMEBank #Nepal#Nepalesestudents #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #highereducation
 — at KOI: King’s Own Institute.
9 February, 2018

Enrolment Briefing

KOI’s March 2018 Enrolment Briefing Meeting on 8 Feb 2018.
With a presence of Dr Doug Hinchliffe, CEO & Dean, Deputy Dean & Director Student Services and Academic Team, Accounts & Finance Team, Admissions Team, IT Support Team, Library and Information Services Team, Marketing Team, and Student Services Team (in alphabetic order) have joined together.
#KOI #March2018Intake #highereducationprovider #thebestaccountinginstituteinsydney #workingtogether

16 October, 2017

Business Simulation Project Hall of Fame

Business Simulation Project The Best of All Time Worldwide!
Achieved the top position on Business Simulation Project, in the Mikesbikes Introduction Hall of Fame in 2017.
Congratulations to Hafiz Jawad Ahmad Malik, Ikhlaq Maqbool, Adeel Malhi, and Ahmed Nawaz, Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Rex Walsh, Lecturer/ Tutor of KOI. You all made us very proud!
#BusinessSimulationProjectAustralia #Mikesbikes #KOI13thGraduates#Undergraduate #BachelorOfBusinessAccounting#PakistaniInternationalStudents #SmartsimsBusinessSimulations

11 September, 2017

Testimonial from KOI

11 September, 2017

KOI Market St

Have you visited KOI Market St Sydney yet? We have been operating 2 locations since mid 2014, one in Level 1, 31 Market St Sydney and the other one in Levels 1 & 5, 545 Kent St Sydney Australia.
Some photos of Market St location for your view. Please, enjoy.

31 July, 2017

Student Experience Survey

KOI is participating in the Student Experience Survey (SES). The SES is a national survey being conducted for the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

The results of this survey will help higher education providers and the government to improve the student experience. Your feedback is very important and will contribute directly to the quality of teaching and learning for current and future students.

The SES is administered by the Social Research Centre, a leading research organisation, on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

Students randomly selected to participate in the SES will receive an email invitation with a link to the online questionnaire in August. We strongly encourage you to participate in this survey but your involvement is voluntary. All responses are confidential and no personal information will be linked to your response.

As an incentive for your participation, you will have the chance to enter the weekly prize draw to win a share of $8,000 pre-paid VISA gift cards. Prize draws take place at the end of each week over the four week survey period in August and the total prize draw is valued at $32,000. To increase your chances of winning and be eligible for all four prize draws, submit your survey early.*

Please watch your inbox for an email invitation for the SES from Monday July 31 or you can go to www.ses.edu.au for more information.

7 November, 2016

Graduate Outcome Survey


The Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) is open. If you’ve completed a degree recently you should have received an invitation via email last week. Fill out your Graduate Outcomes Survey ASAP for the best chance at winning a $1000* prepaid VISA gift card while helping us to improve graduate outcomes.

*Terms & Conditions apply. See http://www.srcentre.com.au/qilt/gostcs for details.

31 October, 2016

Tertiary concession travel in 2017

International students are generally not entitled to transport concessions in NSW unless study is fully funded by specified Australian Government scholarships.

If you are an international tertiary student and your study is fully funded by specified Australian Government scholarships, you may be eligible for concession fares, including Concession Opal cards.

To find out if you are eligible and for further details, download the Guidelines for Issuing NSW Tertiary Student Concessions.

Sydney and surrounding areas – Opal network

If your study is not fully funded by specified Australian Government scholarships you will need to pay for and travel with an Adult fare by using either an Adult Opal card or Adult Opal single trip tickets or Adult single bus ticket.

Regional NSW – outside Opal network

If your study is not fully funded by specified Australian Government scholarships you will need to pay for and travel with an Adult fare. Read more about regional transport services and contact local transport operators for ticket and fare information.

For Domestic students please refer to the following page for more information: http://www.transportnsw.info/en/tickets/eligibility-concessions/children-and-students/tertiary-students.page

18 October, 2016

Letter for potential graduates