Mandatory Training for Students

  • Consent Matters Modules

    The online course helps you learn how you can make a positive impact in your community and keep the campus safe. The course covers sexual consent and communication, how you can support others, and where to find if you need it.Developed under the guidance of an expert panel of advisors, authors, and student and staff reviewers, the award-winning Consent Matters: Boundaries, Respect, and Positive Intervention course provides current, inclusive, and scalable training on sexual consent, communication and relationships, and bystander intervention. It draws on the latest developments in culture, law, and global best practice to deliver evidence-based training to students, encouraging good communication, clear boundaries, and mutual respect in relationships, as well as exploring ways to support others and make a positive impact in their community.

    Consent Matters uses a wide range of interactive multimedia activities, including live polls, animations, and quizzes, to provide up-to-date education on topical areas such as image-based abuse, professional boundaries within staff-student relationships, and ‘stealthing’. The realistic scenarios and peer perspectives that feature throughout the course represent the experiences of diverse student communities, providing an inclusive approach to prevention training.

    The course has been reviewed by a language accessibility advisor to ensure that the course caters to students with English as a second language, along with a glossary of terms and optional support and resource banks.

    KOI Students: All KOI students will be assigned the Consent Matters Modules in your LMS (Moodle). There are 3 modules for students to complete.

    • Module 1: Thinking About Consent
    • Module 2: Communication Skills and relationships
    • Module 3: Looking out for others

    KOI Staff: The in-person for Sexual consent and respect at work has been completed for 2023, in August 2023. The next training will be scheduled in 2024. For any questions regarding this training, contact Human Resources Manager at

  • How to access the Modules?

    All students will received email communication on how to access the modules and instructions on completing the online modules/training, only for the current enrolled students.The modules are hosted on Moodle KOI E-Learning Portal: Log in to the site and the student has to logon to the system using their existing LMS credentials to access the modules.

    All KOI staff should write to the Human Resources Manager for any question on the SASH training at

  • Who needs to complete the Module?

    All students are required to complete these modules with 100% pass rate and a certificate will be issued upon completion.KOI acknowledges that it will be difficult for some students, who are either survivors or have experienced traumatic situations to complete the modules. We have an exception process and students can apply for an exception from the training based on submission of supporting documents substantiating your claim to the Student Support Services –

    KOI may organise refresher training or awareness workshops for students in future, based on the student needs or to address a particular area of concern. This will be decided by the KOI management and the workshop details will be updated below in the Workshops section.

  • Completion Due Date

    Current enrolled students (as of 2 January 2024): the due date for completion of the modules is 15 June 2024. For new students (after 2 January 2024): the due date of completion of the modules will be the end date of their first trimester.

    The completion dates will also be confirmed for all students when you login to LMS/Moodle and access the modules.

  • Mandatory Completion

    Consent Matters. That’s why all students at KOI are required to complete an online course on the KOI LMS. Learn about sexual consent and how you can support others on campus. Completion of online modules is mandatory for all KOI students.For all students, they have to complete the mandatory training once in their student lifecycle at KOI. For nested courses, if students have already completed the course and have been allocated the course twice when they start the next course, they can reach out to for a resolution. Student Support Services will check your completion records in Moodle and advise you on the next steps.

    If students do not complete the modules by the published due date – results for the final grades at the end of the trimester will be withheld until the online modules are completed and the certificate of completion has been issued. So, please complete the modules before the due date to avoid any delay in getting your results.

Workshops and Online Resources

  • What to do if you have experienced sexual harm?

    KOI has a range of support services available for you. You can choose to report an incident or lodge a complaint – details available in the below sections.KOI takes all reports and complaints seriously and will ensure all necessary steps are taken to keep you protected and safe at KOI.

  • How to seek help or help someone online?

    If you want to alert someone from KOI on a video call, It would usually be your lecturer or Student support services or student counsellors, use the “Signal for Help” one handed gesture, created by the Canadian Women’s Foundation. Use the gesture to communicate that you need someone to safety check in and help.If you see the signal on online zoom lectures or other scheduled calls:

    1. Check in if they are okay and be supportive. Sometimes they may be watched and they cannot respond to your questions properly, ask general questions like “ How are you doing?”; “Shall I call you back on your number?”.
    2. Follow-up with a text or WhatsApp or email asking them to get in touch with you
    3. Alert the student support services as they will follow the protocols and will contact emergency services or call 911 if they perceive the student or staff is in danger.

  • SASH Hub (Under Development)

    KOI plans to setup pop-ups and workshops to follow-up with the students on their understanding of the course material and to also assist with the queries from students regarding the online training.Watch this space for the schedule in 2024.

  • How to report an incident?

    We encourage all KOI community members to come forward and report any incident that you have observed, or have experienced or are experiencing of sexual harassment or sexual assault.Report Online using this (form).

    For additional support, contact services here. If you do not wish to report internally to KOI, you can reach out to external contacts available on the support services page.

Lodging a Complaint

  • How to lodge a complaint?

    You can lodge a complaint if the person perpetrating the assault or harassment or abuse happens to be another member of the KOI community.Students should lodge the complaint through case management in TECHONE through the student portal. If you do not wish to lodge a formal complaint but wish to talk to someone on a confidential basis, you should reach out to student support services.

    KOI staff, contractors and volunteers should lodge the complaint with their supervisors. If you are uncomfortable talking to your supervisor, reach out to Human Resources for a confidential discussion at