Future Students

Become a student at KOI

Why KOI?

We learn from experience and King’s Own Institute is already proving to be a leading edge experience factor. Our academic and management teams have worked widely in Australia and internationally with some of the best universities, leading businesses and industries. It is their extensive experience and applied knowledge that provides you, the student, with a valuable advantage. You can share in a wonderful learning experience by studying with proven leaders to bring out your best in preparing you for life and a rewarding career.

KOI delivers the best possible education with a deep commitment to quality, excellence and real opportunities to apply your knowledge and skills to enhance your career. You will get access to a team of superior teachers, facilities and resources to provide you with a rich educational experience and preparation for life – a true education. We’re keen, willing and able to actively develop motivated people to be successful.

Why choose KOI? KOI is a team of proven, widely experienced practitioners with a proud and established record of achievement in education and business.

Free additional English tuition and assessment is provided to assist you to consolidate and extend your English language proficiency to help you achieve your goals. KOI is the place to be with locations, facilities, learning support and opportunities.

KOI is the launch pad for your career with more exciting postgraduate programs commencing in 2015.

The KOI difference

  • Qualified and experienced teachers
  • Customer-centred support staff
  • Free English support class
  • Modern facilities
  • Central locations


Studying in Australia

Department of Home Affairs provides information about Visa options, Health Cover,
work conditions and other requirements for students who are considering studying in Australia.

Career Guidance

Want to kick start your career? Starting something new can be challenging sometimes but here at King’s Own Institute, we offer our students career skills to give them an edge. Career preparations starts prior to graduation and planning needs to begin in advance. Learn from our career advisers what you should do whilst you are still in school to help enhance your work experience and shape your resume. King’s Own Institute, so much more than theories.


Upon graduation, there is high competition as a fresh graduate to gain employment. How can a student differentiate oneself to be a suitable candidate? Having a good reference letter will demonstrate to potential employers how employable a candidate is and where their strengths are. This will be given to the intern at the end of their training.

Internship is the period of practical training to acquire experience in the chosen profession. Although this is usually not a paid position, it is a very valuable opportunity that should be taken up. Networking is also an invaluable advantage of internships. There has also been instances where interns are offered permanent positions to stay on in the companies.

At King’s Own Institute, we recognise the importance of internships and will provide guidance as part of the career advisory service. Our priority is your success as it is a measure of our success.

Career opportunities

  • Accounting
  • Management + Finance
  • IT