How to apply

Complete the application form

A blank KOI Domestic student application form will be provided upon request. Alternatively, you can come to KOI’s Market Street location and pick up a hard copy from the KOI Reception desk.

Please read this guide carefully to ensure your application has been completed correctly.

Or you can apply directly online: [email protected]

If you require further help, please email: [email protected]

Attach documentation

Confirm you have attached relevant, certified copies of the following documents:

  • KOI student application form with all fields accurately completed.
  • A certified or attested copy of
    • Final high school results
    • Academic transcripts of any university or tertiary institution
    • Proof of English (if applicable)
    • Passport/ current valid visa documentation (if applicable)
  • A certified or attested copy of change of name documents (if applicable)

Click here to check entry requirements

Domestic Applicants Entry Requirements

Submit your Application

By email [email protected]
In Person Level 1, 31 Market Street Sydney, NSW 2000
By Post Level 1, 3 1 Market Street Sydney, NSW 2000

Click here to download student application

Domestic Student Application Form

KOI intake dates

KOI intake dates for 2023

Enrolment (Process)

Applicants will receive information about acceptance and enrolment procedure with the letter of offer from KOI Admissions team.

ApplicationApplicant applies for a place in a course by completing the KOI Student Application Form.
SelectionApplication is assessed and eligibility for entry determined. If eligible for entry, selection is based on academic merit and other factors such as course quota or availability of space and teaching facilities.
OfferIf selected, a formal offer of a place in the course is made in an Offer Letter
AcceptanceApplicant formally accepts offer by signing and returning the Written Agreement.
EnrolmentApplicant enrols in subjects that form part of the course and commences study.

Fees and charges

Tuition fees can be found by clicking the Current Fees link to see KOI’s current pricing Tuition fees are required to be paid prior to the census date for each study period. Australian citizens and permanent humanitarian visa holders may be eligible for FEE-HELP.

For more information on FEE-HELP, visit the Study Assist website.

Please contact Marketing [email protected] for more information and specific fees and charges that will apply to your enrolment.

Kindly note that future fees may vary. Administrative fees may also apply.