Diploma of Management

Recognition under the Australian Qualifications Framework

All KOI courses are accredited by TEQSA (Tertiary Education and Quality Standards Agency) and consistent with the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework). TEQSA regulates qualifications in the Australian education system.
This means that KOI is recognised as providing its students with quality education for the courses on offer in line with Australia’s Higher Education Standards.


The Course Overview –  can be used to view the course structure and sequence in which subjects should be studied. All subjects named (LISTED) in the Course Overviews are core subjects and must be studied to satisfy the requirements of the particular award.

The subjects in shaded boxes must be studied in the order they are presented as they provide pre-requisite knowledge for other subjects. The remaining subjects (core and elective) have a recommended trimester, but may be studied in other available trimester slots to suit individual student preferences, provided pre-requisites have been completed.

Diploma of Management (CRICOS 070369J)

The Diploma of Management is intended to provide students with foundation academic and business skills in Management, Marketing, Economics, Business Law and Statistics. It also develops the skills for self-directed learning and provides opportunities to apply these skills to business problems.

The Diploma of Management  can be taken as a stand-alone course of 8 core subjects within 2 trimesters. Alternatively, the Diploma can be used as an entry point and direct entry pathway to the Bachelor of Business (Management and Finance) and/or the Bachelor of Business (Accounting), or other Bachelor level business degrees.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate current, comprehensive, coherent and connected knowledge.

    • Introduction to the concepts, techniques and issues of business with further development of the theory and applications of management
    • Capacity to make links between theory and practice and apply knowledge to real world problems

2. Command the skills for adaptable, lifelong learning to grow in knowledge and skill throughout their lives

    • Communication skills for effective reading, writing, listening and presenting in varied modes and contexts and transferring knowledge and skills to others
    • Critical thinking skills to analyse and synthesise information and evaluate approaches to new problems
    • Problem solving ability utilising proficiency in numeracy, logic and data analysis
    • Information and technological literacy for accessing, evaluating and using information resources
    • Social interaction skills to work effectively in teams and exercise judgement

3. Display critical and creative thinking in their professional activities

    • Show an understanding of the values of scholarly enquiry
    • Show initiative through effective teamwork and self-directed learning
    • Exercise judgement to identify, evaluate and implement solutions to new problems

4. Attain an appreciation of diversity in an evolving world.

    • Value ethical conduct and professionalism in work and civic life
    • Respect diversity and social justice
    • Appreciate the experiences and achievements of other cultures

Delivery Mode

  • Face-to-Face with blended learning facilities

Subject Credit Points

  • 4 Credit Points each subject

Exit Pathways

  • NA

Graduates of the Diploma of Management may find entry level employment in management of small and large businesses, Government and Not-for-Profit organisations.

Graduates of the Diploma of Management are eligible to apply for admission into KOI’s Bachelor of Business (Management and Finance) or Bachelor of Business (Accounting). Students progressing into these courses will be given a maximum of 8 credits for prior learning for studies completed within the Diploma of Management. Graduates may use the Diploma to gain admission into many other bachelor level courses in Australia for overseas

The table in the pop-up window here gives an indication of the likely peer cohort for new students at KOI. It provides data on students that commenced Diploma of Management study and passed the census date in the most relevant recent intake period for which data are available, including those admitted through all offer rounds, across all Australian campuses, and international students studying in Australia.

The table in the pop-up window here gives ATAR profile for those offered places wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR in Trimester 1, 2023

General admission criteria apply to the course.

Course Overview

First Trimester

BUS100Professional Communication Skills
(replaces BUS100 Business Study Skills & BUS106A Intro to Business A)
BUS104Introduction to Marketing
ECO100Introduction to Economics
MGT100Introduction to Management
(replaces BUS106B Intro to Business B)

Second Trimester

ACC100Introduction to Accounting
BUS105Business Statistics
BUS101Introduction to Business Law
MGT200Organisational Behaviour
(Pre-req: BUS100, MGT100)

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